More about bread

Sprouted Grain

Sprouted grain breads are an ancient food with a modern day twist. In ancient times most breads and grains were sprouted really by default. It was a challenge to keep large quantities of grains in dry storage, so most grains just started to germinate and were used in breads and other foods in sprouted form. Only after advances in dry grain storage did this allow for long term storage. This of course led to modernization and ever increasingly advanced methods of processing and refining grains into white floursof today. When processed and refined grain is separated into husk, germ and bran over half of the vitamins B1, B2, B3, folic acid, copper, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and fiber are lost. In addition eating refined grains is unhealthy and can be linked to rising cases of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, obesity among other health issues.

When grains germinate a fundamental change occurs in the physiology of the grain and the densest nutritional value is attained in order to accommodate the growing sprout. Chemicals and enzymes are broken down to prepare the endosperm and germ to nourish the growing plant. The seed undergoes such achange that our bodies digest the grain as a vegetable instead of a starch. Sprouting increases protein content, breaks down complex carbohydrates into simple sugars, increases availability of anitoxidents, potassium, vitamins A, B1,2,3,5,6 & C. And similarly to sourdough levian, sprouting breaks down gluten and enzyme inhibitors allowing for greater mineral availability and absorption. And of course who can forget the fiber, oh the fiber, fiber is very abundant in sprouted grains. Sprouted grain breads have a lowerGI and help stabilize sugar levels for longer, digests slower and leaves you feeling satisfied for longer. A multiplier effect is present when combined with benefits of sourdough, spelt, rye in bread form. A deep nutty flavor with multiple layers of taste thresholds, paired with sourdough the taste bouquet will leave you discovering tastebuds you never knew you had.

We use a variety of organic GMO-free sprouted grains. Rye, spelt, wheat, barley, millet, lentil, mung & cannelloni beans. All with their own unique set of plentiful beneficial attributes.


Spelt is an ancient grain dating back to biblical times. Spelt, a cousin of wheat boasts a more robust nutritional profile, a pleasant nutty flavor and a water soluble gluten that sets it apart from wheat. Spelt is easily digestible and loaded with essential amino acids, vitamins, nutrients and minerals.

Spelt fell out of favor with farmers and bakers due to extra steps that need to be taken while harvesting and baking. With advances in modern farming wheat became the grain of choice due to the combined harvester which allowed the harvesting and hulling of wheat to occur in one step. Spelt has a hefty husk that is tough to crack and requires added steps to hull spelt. But that hard outer hull protects spelt from pests and elements making it incredibly immune to whatever attacks it, not requiring pesticides and insecticides it is the natural choice for people looking for an organic or natural grain. Another reason it does not lend itself well to commercialized milling is the fact that it is incredibly hard to separate the bran and endosperm from the spelt berry essentially guaranteeing a whole grain flour. As opposed to wheat where the husk, bran and endosperm are easily separated and further processed and refined where most of the nutritious value is lost.

Spelt was used in small batch baking in ancient times and once almost completely absent in America, it is enjoying a comeback due to the health conscious consumer. Spelt continues to be used in small batch artisan baking today. Due to the high water solubility in spelt it remains strictly a small batch artisan bread and does not translate well to large volume baking because of its delicate nature. Very much a “high maintenance” flour that if used in large facilities need to bolstered with additional gluten, various gums and a host of other ingredients, often used just as an additive in mass produced health-food bread in order to satisfy labeling requirements.

When comparing one spelt berry to 5 wheat berries the sole spelt berry outperforms the wheat in nutritional value yet has a relatively low calorie load. Spelt contains a special type of carbohydrate called Mucopolysaccharides. Mucopolysaccharides possess anti-inflammatory traits which supports and strengthens our bones, joints and cartilage and contributes to a healthier bone structure for longer. These complex carbohydrates consist of long chains of glucose molecules which result in slower digestion, longer availability of energy and a more subtle rise in blood sugar for longer. A favorite amongst athletes.

Spelt bread can be consumed by health conscious individuals and also individuals suffering from some specific health issues, ranging from allergies, cardiovascular disease, IBS, diabetes, arthritis, migraines, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, to autoimmune disorders will benefit from eating spelt. As always, consult your doctor if you have any concerns with health complications.

Spelt is described as part of the wheat family by the FDA. So technically it is not a “wheat-free” food but possess a completely different gluten profile than wheat and when sprouted and in a sourdough – spelt maybe a good fit with individuals suffering from gluten sensitivities and maybe with an enzyme regiment some individuals suffering from gluten allergies may be able to consume spelt bread. Of course this a decision to be made with your doctor.

Spelt is gaining popularity as a health food because it contains a broad spectrum of nutrients, including complex carbohydrates, soluble and insoluble fiber, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and more. Spelt is high in vitamin B2, niacin, manganese, thiamin, copper, and magnesium. Because spelt is highly water soluble, these nutrients are easily absorbed by the body. In addition to being loaded with essential nutrients, spelt is a good source of dietary fiber, which has been shown to lower total and LDL cholesterol levels. And it tastes great too!

Here at Kolatek’s we pride ourselves in being Spelt-Central. We offer 5 different types of spelt bread baked daily in our store front bread oven. Various spelt pastries and sweets. A wide variety of spelt pastas, spelt flours, rolled spelt & spelt berries. And you can be sure there is more to come.


Sourdough bread is baked using sourdough starter or levain to help facilitate dough rise. Used often in combination with yeast and sadly with decreasing popularity on its own. Sourdough is versatile with all grain breads but is particularly effective when paired with rye. Quite possibly the perfect bread. A Superfood.

Dating back to ancient times, probably the first form of levain available to humans. Beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus (probiotic) help facilitate lactic acid fermentation that predigests starches and weakens gluten by breaking down protein bonds. This was a natural method to preserve food and help fortify the body with essential vitamins, nutrients and minerals while providing an easier to digest, highly satiable bread that helps increase glucose tolerance by lowering insulin response. Specifically pure sourdough rye, without yeast is effective. Without the aid of yeast the sourdough levian undergoes a lengthy rise. This allows plentiful time for beneficial bacteria to snack on starches and increase lactic acid that in turn creates an adequate ph level for the enzyme pytase which breaks down pytates which allows for improved mineral absorption in the body, which also happen to be plentiful in the bread. Superfood.

Sourdough makes available to us:

 Amino Acid

– Lysine

– Methionine

 Vitamin C

 Vitamin A

 Magnesium

 Copper

 Phosphorus

 Iron

 Zinc

Studies found that by incorporating this type of bread in a balanced diet allows for a higher success rate in reaching goals and is increasingly the choice for health minded individuals, athletes, and people engaging in physically demanding activities.

However the pure sourdough bread does not lend itself well to industrialized large batch bread manufacturing. Due to long rise times and an the impossibility of bending sourdough to industrial machinery it remains strictly a small batch hand made artisan bread that demands outmost attention and has long since been glossed over by the high volume focused baking industry. And when sourdough levian is used in large scale production it is used as a flavor additive and not as the primary functioning ingredient in bread, often times aided with vinegar to achieve the sourdough tang taste desired by many.

Sourdough bread, a bread from ancient times with a boatload of health benefits and flavor. A distinctive richly flavorful tanginess that dazzles the senses and pairs well with melted cheeses, cured meats, sautéed onions, fresh vegetables, olive oil, various mustards and is very good toasted, grilled or pressed.